Get Involved
Faye Wilson, director of GeeFaye Associates, is a woman of faith and believes in living out the scripture that says we are to give – and that God loves a cheerful giver. These are some of the organizations that have her wholehearted support.
​​ The negative health statistics are
staggering for African American
women (i.e., more likely to die or
be disabled by strokes, diabetes, heart attacks). Enter GirlTrek, a national organization whose mission is to get women walking and striding – in the footsteps of Harriet Tubman – to improve our health and strengthen our communities. Want to go for a walk? Join with me and our local GirlTrek team in Salisbury, Maryland: the Mt. Zion Striding Sistas. Contact them through their Facebook page: Mt. Zion GirlTrek or call (410) 543-2384. Click below to see video footage from their 2016 Strides of Thanksgiving event. Click here for information about the national GirlTrek organization.
Children worldwide need us. My friend Pat
Wilkins answered the call and began the
organization, Brothers and Sisters in Christ
Serving based in Ghana. More than 100 children annually are able to get education that their families otherwise could not afford. You can donate dollars and service. In 2016, my daughter and I were able to visit and volunteer. Click here to read about the ministry and donate if you desire – thanks!
Find information about services in your
community. Faye Wilson is a member of the board for PAC 14 (public access channel, Wicomico County) and also serves as a local producer. Click here to visit the web site. Click here to see her video on Healthy Lifestyle Balance.
Want to give back to your community?
Serve through HALO. Since 2006, I have
been volunteering with the shelter for
women and children. So many other opportunities abound. Prepare dinner for the Café once a month, once a year. Lead worship for both women and men’s shelter. Donate supplies – HALO always needs paper towels, toilet paper, napkins, boxed and canned food items. Click here to learn how you can bless someone through your service.