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  Programs Tailor Made for All Needs    

Editing - Specializing in editing documents: dissertations, research papers, press releases, brochures, and fliers


Writing - Researching and production of written documents (curriculum, study guides, speeches, manuals)


Publishing - Designing flyers, brochures, and bulletins.


Data Base Management - creating databases for labels and mailing lists (i.e., weddings, Christmas cards, business outreach)

Public Speaking - Providing skill training in making presentations. 

Designed to ease individuals’ fear of public speaking, workshops or one-on-one sessions focus on speech patterns, diction, organization of material, posture, breath control.



Instrumental Instruction - Providing one-on-one coaching in playing gospel music.  Sessions designed for persons who already play and are looking to add fluency in their piano technique and learn to play by ear.


Vocal Training - Providing direction for choirs and soloists in singing (teaching choral parts, harmonies, a cappella singing, breathing techniques).



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